Monday 9 December 2013

December Days!

As we approach December and begin to schedule all our festivities, I can't help but feel so blessed teaching your child! I appreciate all that your child brings to our, laughter, teachable moments, and boundless energy! I am not one to brag.....but I have the best kindergarten class ever!:)

This month, we have planned exciting activities! On December 18, we will have our Early Year's celebration. We will take two periods where our students will rotate in our neighbouring classes to experience crafts, music, snack and art activities. We would love to have you join us, but with our classes being soo many, we are asking that only one parent consider coming, I will be sending home a more detailed explanation of what that day entails! On December 19, our school is continuing in a Christmas sing-song tradition for the entire school! And of course, our annual teacher verses students volleyball game is in the works! Please visit our school homepage to keep up to date with our school functions!  On the last day, December 19, our Early Years students are invited to a pyjama day, followed by a movie! I am soo excited for these next few weeks!

We continue to learn through play, songs, investigation and collaboration!  Our focus these next few weeks will be writing letters to Santa! Using our knowledge of  letters and alphabet to create simple notes and then placing them in our class mailbox will be fun! We will touch upon how water changes from a liquid to a solid state, such as ice and even snow! To accompany the changes we see in weather, we will touch upon how our natural environment, (animals, farms) prepares for winter!

I hope you are enjoying the art work we send home with your child! Celebrate their accomplishments! They deserve it!


Mme Burnham
Mme Vola

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